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Coming Soon!

As the Soviet Union disintegrated a secret network of embedded KGB agents in Washington, D.C. were being tracked by an elite CIA unit that included a young Pete Maddox.

The KGB assets are eliminated and the Soviet Union was no more. Maddox’s elite spy-hunting unit was disbanded and he was re-assigned to the Western Hemisphere.

Twenty-six years later, a D.C. cold case detective investigates the murder of a family that has remained unsolved for decades. As he digs in it baffles him that the family appears to have been conjured out of thin air in the years leading up to their murders. And they have no family, friends, or loved ones he can find or anyone that seems to care that they were murdered.

The cold case awakens sleeping spies on both sides of the Cold War that had long been forgotten, including a now semi-retired fifty-something Pete Maddox.

The Forgotten Spy will be released in 2022!


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