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As I mentioned before, I was vacationing for 12 days in beautiful Bali, Indonesia. The one drawback of vacationing in a country on the other side of the world is the travel time to get there. Over 13 hours from San Francisco to Taipei, Taiwan then another five plus hours from Taipei to Bali. The two glints of happiness were: 1. at the end of the long trip in a cramped airplane is that we would arrive in a beautiful new country to explore and 2. I’m so glad for my Kindle Paperwhite. I brought hundreds of books without having to worry about excessive baggage weight fees.

And although I carved out writing time, and we spent time doing the touristy stuff like: Mount Batur Volcano Sunrise Trekking tour, the Holy Spring Temple tour, visiting the Monkey Forest, hitting the main art shopping town of Ubud, and a lot (a lot) of pool lounging, I enjoyed diving into my Kindle Paperwhite TBR pile.

All said and done, I read 10 books in Bali (and up in the air over the Atlantic Ocean, etc.), so I thought I would share what I read during my Bali vacation.

Thrillers/mysteries are my favorite, so that’s the bulk of what I read with a couple of exceptions. You can see the books and my comments below:

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