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Press Release for The Asset


Read The Asset Only if You Are Ready for Excitement, Love, and Action in a Modern Spy Thriller

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Summary: This action thriller, set in the current era of CIA operations, The Asset, by new author Alan Petersen, keeps readers on the edge of their seats as the main character Pete Maddox weaves his way through upper CIA levels with foreign operatives and a beautiful woman.

San Francisco, CA – Main character, Pete Maddox, takes Latin America in true James-Bond style, only realistically in this modern spy story, The Asset.

As CIA station chief overseeing all operations in Venezuela from the U.S. Embassy in Caracas, Maddox deals with persons familiar to 21st century readers, such as Chávez, drug cartels, and guerrilla fighters. Every few pages creates more secrets and intrigue, as Maddox works spy-like miracles to get his job done. Who should he trust? Will the CIA back him? Will he, or his assets, live another day? Then there is the coup, what part and which side is Maddox truly on?

From the book: “Assets like Sonia, who were on the CIA payroll but weren’t official employees, did not have diplomatic protection, so they were subject to arrest, torture, and death.

“Spies like Henry Calderon knew the risks, … He [Maddox] had to make sure the connection between Bolívar Realty and the CIA wouldn’t be exposed…He had to protect this asset like he had never done before, because he had never fallen in love with an asset before.”

This tale of CIA intrigue uses all the best literary techniques to bring Latin America to life amid the clashes among the various political groups, meanwhile supporting a tender love story. Don’t miss this ultimate thriller.

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About the Author
Alan Petersen born and raised in Costa Rica and Venezuela, and currently lives in San Francisco, California.

His second book, She’s Gone, will be published in 2013.
You can find Alan Petersen online:

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